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What Does It Mean to Give Thanks in All Circumstances?
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What Does It Mean to Give Thanks in All Circumstances?

It's natural to think about the blessings we’ve received and the people we cherish. However, for those of us who follow Christ, gratitude is more than a once-a-year occasion. It’s a way of life that stretches far beyond moments of celebration and abundance. This month we will gather around the table with loved ones, it's a great time to reflect on how gratitude plays a crucial role not just in times of joy, but in the harder moments too. How can we cultivate a thankful heart through all of life’s seasons—because God’s goodness is something we can hold onto in every circumstance.

Gratitude feels so natural when life is going well. When we see prayers answered, receive unexpected blessings, or find ourselves surrounded by family and friends, it’s easy to say “Thank You, Lord.” But how do we keep that same thankful heart when life is difficult—when challenges arise, and God feels far away? As believers, we are called to give thanks in all circumstances, not necessarily for them. This distinction is key because it means our gratitude is rooted in the character of God, not in our changing circumstances. Even in the toughest times, we can find something to be thankful for because we know God is working in ways we may not always see.

Scripture provides us with the perfect guide for living with gratitude, no matter the season. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." This doesn’t mean we pretend everything is perfect or ignore the reality of hardship. Instead, it’s an invitation to trust in God’s faithfulness, even when we don’t understand His plan. When we thank God in all circumstances, we acknowledge His sovereignty and trust that He is working all things together for good, as promised in Romans 8:28. Similarly, Psalm 136:1 encourages us to "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." This verse reminds us that our gratitude is based on who God is, not just what He’s done. His goodness and enduring love are unchanging, providing a firm foundation for our thanksgiving in every season.

Gratitude has been a significant part of my own faith journey, though not always in the way I expected. I’ve had seasons where expressing thanks came easily, like when I received an unexpected blessing  or witnessed a loved one’s prayers answered. But I’ve also walked through difficult seasons, times of loss, uncertainty, and waiting. In those moments, it wasn’t always easy to feel or stay grateful.

However, I’ve learned that it’s often during these tough seasons that God’s presence is most evident when I choose to lean into gratitude. I remember a particularly difficult season when everything seemed to be falling apart, and I struggled to see what I could possibly be thankful for. In my frustration, I began a simple practice: every night, I would write down one thing—just one—that I could thank God for. Sometimes it was a small blessing, like a peaceful morning or a kind word from a friend. Over time, this small act transformed my perspective. I began to see how God was still present and at work in my life, even when things felt uncertain. The more I gave thanks, the more I saw His goodness, and my faith deepened in unexpected ways.

Practical Steps to Cultivating a Grateful Heart: 

Living with gratitude doesn’t always come naturally, especially during hard times. But with some intentional steps, we can all learn to cultivate a thankful heart that reflects God’s goodness in every season. Here are a few ways to get started:

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Take a few moments each day to write down three things you are grateful for. It could be as simple as the warmth of a cup of tea or a meaningful conversation with a friend. Writing down your blessings shifts your focus from what’s missing to what’s present.
  2. Pray with Thanksgiving: In your prayers, make it a habit to start with gratitude. Before asking for anything, pause to thank God for who He is and what He’s done in your life. It’s a simple practice that reminds us to approach God with a heart full of appreciation.
  3. Thank Others: Gratitude doesn’t just stop with God. Make it a point to thank those around you—whether it’s your family, friends, or even a stranger who showed you kindness. Speaking words of thanks blesses others and keeps your heart in a posture of appreciation.
  4. Memorize Scripture on Gratitude: Fill your mind with verses that encourage thanksgiving. Passages like Philippians 4:6, which tells us to present our requests to God with thanksgiving, help us remember to be thankful even as we ask for His help.
  5. Shift Your Perspective: Whenever you’re tempted to focus on what’s lacking in your life, ask God to help you see His goodness. Gratitude is often about changing our perspective, trusting that God is working, even when we don’t fully understand His plan.

Gratitude, after all, isn’t just about celebrating the good times—it’s about finding God’s hand at work, even in the hardest seasons. As we give thanks together, may our hearts be reminded that His love truly does endure forever.

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